I've been thinking about what I want to do with my life (career-wise) and have been strongly leaning towards law or international relations. Naturally, I consulted my family and asked them what they thought. They responded in the usual way: supporting, advising, etc.
If there's one person in my family who comes up with the wackiest (and usually niftiest) ideas, it's my uncle. He's like the male-Lorelei of my family... related but awesome and cool. He usually comes up with "brilliant" new career paths for me... clock-maker, actress, director, etc... However, nothing will ever beat the suggestion he made yesterday.
He said that he had a new career path for me. I asked what it was. He responded by telling me to watch Hannah. I had no idea what Hannah's storyline was, so I Googled it.
Here's what my facial transition was like:
AN ASSASSIN. THAT'S my career path?!
Although I probably wasn't dying as much as Marjane here. (Kudos to Marjane Satrapi for that awesome graphic novel, by the way).
I pointed out to my dear uncle that he probably wouldn't know I was in secret service even if I did end up there. However, despite my initial skepticism, it WOULD be pretty cool to be all secret and spy-like. Every girl's sassy-dream-come-true.
Hahahaha this really made me laugh xD
Glad to know it!
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