A Middle Eastern Chick with a treasure chest of stories to tell and a capricious thought process that is often difficult to keep up with.

Jun 21, 2011

Are Summer Blues Really Blue?

That Middle Eastern Chick just finished her last day in a school where she spent around nine years of her school life. Needless to say, it has been a very emotional day. However, now that summer is OFFICIALLY here, all she can think of saying is "Now what...?" Such an anti-climax, innit?! To think about all those days during school when we'd moan about the woes of education and the cocktails of torturous pain we could put it's benefactors through... What a waste!

Middle Eastern Chick has realised that this cycle of painful longing, under-the-breath-cursing, relief, satisfaction and then, finally, clueless oblivion is a rather repetitive one. It happens every summer! Yet, we always fail to anticipate the next step! We're always so busy complaining about school, chores, work and projects that we manipulate the idea of summer in our minds to make it seem like the most FANTASTIC thing ever! We start planning the various things we want to do during summer, listing them endlessly, naively deluding ourselves into thinking that we WILL do them this summer even if we failed to do them in previous summers! What a hoot! HA! Just the thought of the mental list that Middle Eastern Chick made during the school year is a laugh!

"Write a book"... Was she being serious or was that the excess of information on pancreatic juices talking?
"Write a personal thesis on anthropology"... Nope, that was definitely the self-pity talking. ME Chick remembers the night she put this on her list. It was a dark, dark night, full of chocolate, cookies, self-hate and Scarlett Johansson.
"Star in a local movie and become a local celebrity"... What the...?
"Tutor kids for extra cash"... That didn't work out last summer for ME Chick... what makes her think it will work out THIS summer. A sudden burst of fairy dust? Ohh Tiiinker Beellll! She's waaaiiitinnng! YOOOHOOO!

The list is endless... and rather embarrassing.

So, Middle Eastern Chick is going to proof-read her whack-job list and edit it a tad bit. She'll probably chop off two-thirds and later complain of being bored during the summer. We humans can be such strange beings, can't we?

For all those who actually DO manage to check off every single little box on their summer check-list... Middle Eastern Chick calls your bluff. She challenges you. Meanwhile, she'll be off to enjoy her blissful oblivion and one-third of her summer check-list.


cricketfreak said...

It's really annoying when you're waiting for holidays and then when they come you realise that school was probably way more fun.
Cool blog, I'm following :)

Neamah said...

That's so true, innit? I go through that every single year. This year, though, I'm taking FULL advantage of the free time I have because I'll be going through scholastic hell next year XD

Thanks for the follow!

Anonymous said...

Scholastic hell?! 0_o I thought that this was year already..! =P