A Middle Eastern Chick with a treasure chest of stories to tell and a capricious thought process that is often difficult to keep up with.

Apr 2, 2011

All Arabs are Muslims and All Muslims are Arab, right?

I find it so infuriating that certain oh-so-socially-smart people choose to trash an entire race or religion based on “facts” that the media presents them with. In today’s world, what kind of a half-wit dip-shit believes everything that the media tells them? Guess they’re not so smart after all…
I am referring, of course, to people who choose to condemn Muslims (and Arabs automatically, since ALL Muslims are Arabs, right? Pffftt… who doesn’t know that?) because of the actions of a minority. There’s one thing I’d like to set straight for all those who seem to be slightly verbally challenged. Read carefully… I will ev-en type in syl-lables if it makes a dif-fer-rence. 
News flash:There is a sig-ni-fi-cant dif-fer-rence between a Mus-lim, an Ar-ab and Is-lam. Ca-piche?
Or, I couuuld tyyype liiike thiiis aaand streeetch aaalll myyy worrrds. 
Therrre iiisss ay signiiifiiicant diffferrrence betweeen ay Muuusliiim, aaan Aaaraaab aaand Islaaam. Caaapiiiche?
Have you understood the opening statement? If not, I strongly suggest you go back and read it, analyse it, say it, yell it, rabidly devour it, re-read it and re-analyse it until you UNDERSTAND it. Once you’re done, go ahead and read the rest of what I have to say. 
Okay, done? Okay, let me move on and explain said opening sentence. I won’t get into too much detail, because otherwise, we’ll be here forever, and we all know how much your Facebook pages miss you. I’ll start off with Islam: 
Islam is a religion that originated in Arabia. Many people believe that Islam is a particularly violent religion and is the furthest thing from peace that you will ever find. Wrong. If any of the oh-so-socially-aware critics out there bother to read not only the Quran, but also the history of Islam itself, they will find that Islam promotes peace. The only time it is necessary to physically fight is when a) The people of Islam are attacked first, in which case self defense is permitted b) To end persecution. Even during times of war, the killing of women, children and the elderly is not permitted. I could go on and on about why Islam is a peaceful religion…
Second, Muslims:
Muslims are people who belong to the religion of Islam. Let’s pause here for a minute. What did you understand from that sentence? Think about it for a minute. 
Are any of these close to what you understood from the above sentence?
a) Muslims practice Islam.
b) Muslims believe in Islam.
c) All Muslims are a part of Islam. 
d) Muslims belong to Islam; therefore, they pray, fast and read the Quran, just like all other Muslims. 
If one of these is what you thought (or close), you’re wrong.
Notice how I said “Muslims are people who belong to the religion of Islam”? “Muslim” is basically the noun that describes anybody who is part of Islam, but does that necessarily mean that they believe in the teachings of Islam and practice them? 
Think about it for a while. Middle Eastern Chick will continue with her explanation in the next post.

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